Welcome to the Fat Bearable Blog!

Despite that 68% of the population is plus-sized, taking up space outdoors in a larger body can be unsafe, unfun, uncomfortable, inaccessible, and uninviting.  This is not because there are dangers like human-eating bears, but because humans can be unbearable to other humans– especially fat ones. 

This Fat Bearable Blog is aimed to help reduce anti-fat bias outdoors, provide education and tools on how to increase inclusion and equity outdoors for larger-bodied people, and to empower anyone who has ever felt excluded in outdoor spaces. So put up your fierce claws, shake that adorable booty, and say to the world, “Rawr, I am awesome and worthy. Now let’s do some cool shit in nature!”.


How to respond to unbearable anti-fat microaggressions


How to be bearable to fat people outdoors. Be friendly, not patronizing.